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The BEAD Pre-Qualification Evaluation is NOW OPEN!

On September 18, MCA opened the first phase of the BEAD Subgrantee Selection Process: the Pre-Qualification Evaluation. The Subgrantee Selection Process is the process through which MCA will evaluate and select prospective applicants and determine how BEAD funding will be distributed to specific Project Service Areas. Learn more here.

Our Commitment

As Maine’s public agency leading statewide broadband expansion and digital equity, the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) has a commitment to facilitate equitable statewide expansion of reliable internet for all Maine people. 


To put it simply: ​everyone in Maine who wants an internet connection will be able to get it in 2024, and our work doesn’t stop there.


​MCA's vision for Maine is one where everybody has the connection, devices, skills and security they need to fully partake in the opportunities of the internet. We invite Maine's internet service providers, contractors, subject matter experts, corporate leaderships, institutions of higher education, and financial institutions to commit to ongoing collaboration and investment. Our reliance on digital infrastructure, services, and skills will only continue to increase.​


Hover over each box to see how MCA is delivering on our commitment.


Progress has been substantial since 2020.​​​​


Over 86,000 locations in Maine have been connected to high-speed internet, representing over $200M of public investment braiding state and federal funds.


Only 5% of locations locations in Maine remain unserved by modern internet (speeds <25/3 Mbps).






There are options for everyone and no one gets left in the digital dark.​​​​

Approximately 1.5% of locations (~9,000) in Maine have no option available. Working Internet ASAP though low earth orbit (LEO) satellite will be available for those by the end of 2024.











The next phase is upon us.






In 2025, MCA will facilitate over $350M of public and private funding to ensure high speed internet service is available to the final 29,000 locations in Maine through the BEAD Program. 










Sustaining Impact 

Our work won’t be done, and our need to connect doesn’t stop.

MCA's Digital Equity Fund seeks to leverage private and philanthropic funding to match and expand the impact of federal funds.


MCA’s $53 million MOOSE Net project will create a 530-mile broadband ‘highway’ to provide middle-mile access to serve as backbone infrastructure for continued expansion and investment.​​



The BEAD Pre-Qualification Evaluation is NOW OPEN!


The Subgrantee Selection Process (SSP) is a two-step process through which MCA will evaluate and select prospective applicants and determine how BEAD funding will be distributed to specific Project Service Areas. During phase one, the Pre-Qualification Evaluation, MCA will evaluate prospective applicants on their readiness to manage a BEAD-funded project in Maine. The Pre-Qualification Evaluation application is open on MCA's Grant Portal through October 18, 2024.


MCA is also hosting office hours weekly throughout the application window on Thursday from 3:30-4:30pm. Register for office hours.​​​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Phase 1: Prospective Applicant Pre-Qualification Evaluation

(September 18 - October 18, 2024)

  • Prospective applicants will submit organizational-level information (technical, financial, operational and managerial capacity) that demonstrates their ability to meet the requirements of the BEAD program.

  • Applicants will also be presented with a map of draft Project Service Areas (PSAs) and asked to indicate which they intend to apply for. Learn more about PSAs on the BEAD page.

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SSP Module on MCA's Resource Exchange

MCA has released a new module on our Resource Exchange focused on the BEAD Subgrantee Selection Process including information about the application portal and requirements, a deeper dive into PSAs, and resources to support with the application process.​​​​​​​​​​


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Visualizing MCA's Mission

The Maine Connectivity Authority’s Broadband Intelligence Platform presents important data about internet access and service in Maine. The interactive map below includes information about broadband service availability and funding awards.


For a list of service providers at a specific address, click here to access the FCC's map.

Service Classification Map: Based on June 30, 2022 FCC Broadband Data Collection. Accessible maps are available upon request by emailing

Recent & Upcoming Meetings

The Maine Connectivity Authority Board of Directors meetings are open to the public in a virtual format.  Meetings serve as an opportunity to learn about MCA's strategy and activities as well as funding and partnership opportunities.  Click here to view recordings of previous meetings.

August 9, 2024

MCA Board Meeting

Online Zoom Webinar

Please register below to attend the MCA Board meeting. All MCA Board meetings are open to the public.

August 12, 2024

Monthly MCA BEAD Update

Online Zoom Webinar

Please register below to attend the Monthly BEAD Update meeting.

Featured Resources


Maine Connectivity Authority Strategic Summary:  January 2022


Maine Connectivity Authority Statute




Help us get closer together - take the Maine Speed Test here

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