About the MCA
High-speed Broadband for Maine
Focusing on projects, places and people, the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) is advancing digital equity for all Mainers. Established in 2021, MCA is a quasi-governmental agency charged with achieving universal access to reliable, affordable high-speed internet service statewide.
Led by an experienced staff and Board appointed by the Governor, MCA has three statutory goals:
Expand effective, accessible connectivity in every part of the state;
Support the creation of secure, affordable, reliable, competitive, sustainable and forward-looking internet infrastructure that can meet future needs; and
Ensure that all residents, businesses and institutions in Maine be able to take full advantage of the economic, health, educational and other opportunities available through connectivity services.
Brian Allenby, Senior Director of Program Operations
ballenby@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
David Bresnahan, Infrastructure Grant Manager
dbresnahan@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Andrew Butcher, President
abutcher@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Erin Clark, Director of Grant Administration
eclark@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Tyler Collins, Infrastructure Grant Manager
tcollins@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
John "JD" Dougherty, Director of Middle Mile
jdougherty@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Maggie Drummond-Bahl, Senior Director of Digital Equity & Partnerships
mbahl@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Tanya Emery, Director of Development
temery@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn​
Erin Fenton, Grant & Compliance Reporting Manager
efenton@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
​Kris Gamache, Technology and Data Systems Manager
kgamache@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Meghan Grabill, Director of Research & Data
mgrabill@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Kendra Jo Grindle, Director of Community Strategy
kgrindle@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Dave Hack, Operations Manager
dhack@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Rebecca Ingersoll, Accounting Manager
Jenna Ingram, Communications Manager
jingram@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Kaylin Kerina, Infrastructure Grants Manager
kkerina@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Meg Meadows, Digital Equity & Partnerships Portfolio Manager
mmeadows@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Hillary Mordecai, Accounting Manager
hmordecai@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Ethan Moskowitz, Spatial Data & Analysis Manager
emoskowitz@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Quynh Nguyen, Administrative & Project Management Coordinator
qnguyen@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Jessica Perez, Digital Equity Manager
jperez@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Laurie Griffin Polland, Senior Manager of Finance & Accounting
Kevin Racelis, MOOSE Net Project Manager
kracelis@maineconnectivity.org | Connect on LinkedIn
Margaret Reynolds, BEAD Program Manager
Harrison Smith, Director of Finance and Operations



MCA Board of Directors

Carlos Javier Barrionuevo, of Georgetown, who works for Georgetown Broadband LLC and serves on the Georgetown Comprehensive Plan Committee
Jim Carlson, Vice President and Chief Operations Officer at UniTel, Inc.
Hannah Carter, Associate Provost for Online and Continuing Education & Dean of Cooperative Extension at University of Maine
Heather Johnson*, Ex-Officio, who is commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development for the State of Maine
Danielle Louder, Co-Director of Medical Care Development Inc.’s Domestic Public Health Division and Director of the Northeast Telehealth Resource Center
Nick Marquis*, Ex-Officio, who is the Acting Chief Information Officer for the State of Maine
Carlos Mello*, Ex-Officio, who is the CEO for the Finance Authority of Maine
Michael C. Reed, of Palermo, who is self-employed and has worked to spearhead and coordinate municipal broadband projects
Timothy R Schneider, General Counsel for Tilson Technology and previously served as a Maine public advocate