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Please share the Speed Test widely in your community and encourage people to participate in improving broadband in Maine. If you have questions, contact

Maine Speed Test

MCA needs your help to understand the internet speeds that are advertised in your area are actually available. Your input will improve the accuracy of the map and result in federal funding through the BEAD Program for broadband being targeted to the areas of Maine that need it most. Please help us Speed Test so we can deploy BEAD best! 


While Maine speed tests first started over 4 years ago through ConnectMaine and the Maine Broadband Coalition, MCA will now host the speed test platform on our website to meet BEAD requirements. This form is the mechanism for individuals to participate in the State-Led Challenge Process. 


Starting in April, the Maine Speed Test will capture speed test data to inform the maps used to determine areas eligible for BEAD funding.
Even if you’ve participated in a speed test before, we encourage
you to take part in the BEAD State Led Challenge Process! 

bead-individuals_one-pager-mapping-challenge_eng.pdf (5).png
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