Qualified applicants will now request BEAD funding to serve approximately 26,000 homes and businesses and 2,500 Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs) such as libraries, community centers, and healthcare facilities across the State with high-speed internet. Read the press release.
Maine's BEAD Project Application is NOW OPEN!
Click logo to navigate to our BEAD page.
The Subgrantee Selection Process (SSP) is the two-step process by which MCA will evaluate prospective applicants on their readiness to manage a BEAD-funded project.
Phase 1: Prospective Applicant Pre-Qualification Evaluation (September 18 - October 18, 2024)
Prospective applicants will submit organizational-level information (technical, financial, operational and managerial capacity) that demonstrates their ability to meet the requirements of the BEAD program.
Applicants will also be presented with a map of draft Project Service Areas (PSAs) and asked to indicate which they intend to apply for. This task of the application will open September 23, 2024.
Phase 2: BEAD Project Application (January 17 - February 28, 2025 at 5 PM EST)
Prospective Applicants approved in Phase 1 will be invited to submit project applications for BEAD funding.
Applicants will provide project-level information, including a bid for specific Project Service Areas (PSAs).
Subgrantee Selection Process Deep Dive
Prospective applicants that are authorized through Pre-Qualification will be admitted to the BEAD Project Application phase where the final PSAs will be available to bid on, with the winner of the selection being required to build infrastructure to bring internet to the locations contained within the PSA. See the “Project Service Areas (PSAs)” unit for more information about PSA methodology and development.
Through Maine's BEAD Pre-Qualification Evaluation, MCA is happy to announce that sixteen prospective applicants have been pre-qualified after a thorough review confirming their capacity from an operational, technical, financial and compliance perspective. We are excited to work with the following pre-qualified applicants that represent Maine-based and national companies providing service through a variety of technologies.
During the BEAD Project Application phase, MCA will collect project-specific information, including bids for Project Service Areas (PSAs). MCA will also check application information against Pre-Qualification Evaluation responses to ensure alignment and that there are no discrepancies.
Both phases will include applications with mapping portions, hosted on MCA’s Grant Portal and on ArcGIS. For more information about application specifics, head to the “Application Portals and Processes” unit. To learn more about each of these phases and the expected outcomes, head to the “Overview of Pre-Qualification Evaluation” and the “Overview of the Project Application” units, respectively.
In summer of this year, MCA will announce provisional selections of projects matched to provisional subgrantees. This will be followed by a public comment period, and then selections will go through several rounds of approval from Maine representatives and finally from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) through Maine’s BEAD Final Proposal. After gaining approval, subgrantees can move forward with the initial stages of contracting and building BEAD-funded networks. For more information about timing, head to the “Timelines & Milestones” unit.
Resources & Helpful Links
As a reminder, Maine’s BEAD Subgrantee Selection Process is a two-phase process. During the first phase, Prospective Applicant Pre-Qualification Evaluation, MCA evaluated applicants’ technical, financial, operational and managerial capacity. In the second phase, the BEAD Project Application, MCA will collect project-specific information, including bids for Project Service Areas (PSAs). MCA will also check application information against Pre-Qualification Evaluation responses to ensure alignment and that there are no discrepancies.
Through the BEAD Project Application, qualified applicants will request BEAD funding to serve approximately 26,000 homes and businesses and 2,500 Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs) such as libraries, community centers, and healthcare facilities across the State with high-speed internet. These locations were determined through Maine’s BEAD State-Led Challenge Process with direct engagement from internet service providers, nonprofit organizations, local and Tribal governments, and the Maine public.
Maine’s BEAD Project Application will open on January 17, 2025 and close on February 28 at 5 PM EST. BEAD Project Applications will be competitively scored based on the minimal BEAD outlay (the request for public funds relative to the applicant’s financial match), affordability, fair labor practices and other digital equity and technical criteria.
While qualified applicants will answer the majority of application questions in the MCA Grant Portal, hosted by SurveyMonkey Apply, they will bid on Project Service Areas (PSAs) in the MCA Subgrantee Selection CHART Mapping Tool. As an element of the Pre-Qualification Evaluation process, MCA released draft Project Service Areas (including BEAD-eligible locations) to prospective applicants and the public. On January 10, 2025, MCA published final BEAD PSAs and Location IDs. The public PSA map made available during the Pre-Qualification Evaluation phase will also be updated to correspond to final PSAs. These will remain publicly available, including only the information we can share publicly based on our federal mapping license agreement.
MCA will host office hours every Thursday from 3:30-4:30 pm throughout the duration of the BEAD Project Application period, starting on January 23. These will be unstructured, drop in spaces for any applicant to come to with questions for the MCA BEAD Team. Register for office hours.
In summer 2025, MCA will announce provisional selections of projects matched to provisional subgrantees. This will be followed by a public comment period, and then selections will go through several rounds of approval from Maine representatives and finally from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) through Maine’s BEAD Final Proposal. After gaining approval, subgrantees can move forward with the initial stages of contracting and building BEAD-funded networks. For more information about timing, head to the “Timelines & Milestones” unit.
Resources & Helpful Links
What is the Baseline?
This unit will review the data used to create the baseline map for the BEAD State-Led Challenge Process, the methodology used to create the Project Service Areas (PSAs), and how these processes interact. For more information on the baseline map used during the State-Led Challenge Process, head to the “Creating the Baseline” unit in that module.
​​The Mapping Tool will take two forms:
Version 1 of the Spatial Tool, released alongside the Pre-Qualification Evaluation application on September 18, will make PSAs available for viewing. This version of the map will remain available and be updated with final PSA information only including data that can be shared publicly.
Version 2 of the Spatial Tool, released when the BEAD Project Application opens in late 2024, will be accompanied by a spatial service feature layer users can use to pull the PSAs and selected data characteristics about those PSAs into their own geographic information systems. This version of the map will not be made publicly available per federal mapping license restrictions.
PSA Definition
Project Service Areas (PSAs) are polygons (or areas) that are composed of broadband serviceable locations (BSLs) in Maine. As defined by BEAD Program requirements, 80% of the locations in each PSA have <100/20 Mbps, and are not part of an already planned or funded build.
Final PSAs
On January 10, 2025, MCA published final BEAD PSAs and Location IDs. ​​During the BEAD Project Application, qualified applicants will bid on these PSAs and make binding commitments to serve approximately 29,000 locations and 3,000 Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs) like libraries, community centers, and healthcare facilities across the state with high-speed internet.
Understanding the Inclusion of Community Anchor Institutions within PSAs
Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs) can exist outside of the Fabric as locations that are not Broadband Serviceable Locations. In some cases, CAIs align with fabric locations and have location IDs. However, the majority do not have location IDs indicating they exist as locations identified by latitude/longitude coordinates. This list is available both in the Mapping Tool as mapped locations and in the “BEAD Eligible Community Anchor Institutions” application workbook identified by their latitude and longitude.
If an applicant wishes to include CAIs in their project application they should include those near to or within the PSAs on which they plan to bid. The CAIs can be populated from the “BEAD Eligible Community Anchor Institutions” application workbook with required information and submitted along with the corresponding application through the MCA Grants
BEAD-Eligible Locations in Maine
To create the map of BEAD-eligible locations in Maine, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) National Broadband Map is our starting point. This map draws data from individuals, organizations, internet service providers (ISPs), and CostQuest (the FCC's mapping vendor). Location data and availability data connected to this map are updated every six months, alternating between location data and availability data.
Using the FCC National Broadband Map as our starting point, MCA then also overlays our known and confirmed projects for planned service. To-date, these have included projects that MCA has funded and projects that have been identified through MCA's BIND Process. For more information about MCA's funded projects, check out our All-In Programs page.
Starting on April 26, 2024, MCA then opened Maine’s BEAD State-Led Challenge Process. MCA utilized the BDC Version 3 data as of June 30, 2023, and last updated with availability data on April 3, 2024, from the FCC National Broadband Map as the baseline for Maine’s State-Led Challenge Process. That data was used to create the lists of unserved, underserved, and Community Anchor Institutions (CAI) locations in Maine, and published along with Maine's BEAD Initial Proposal, Volume 1. MCA then further refined this list of unserved, underserved, and CAI locations and published this new list ahead of the State-Led Challenge Process opening.
During the State-Led Challenge Process, individuals, nonprofit organizations, units of local government, and internet service providers then had the opportunity to challenge any of the BEAD-eligible locations that MCA identified. Fundamentally, challenges were submitted to determine whether a location has internet speeds below or above 100/20 Mbps. If eligible challengers could provide evidence that a location was misclassified, the location could become eligible for BEAD funding. Once a location was challenged, an eligible challenger could either uphold or refute that challenge and provide further evidence. MCA then adjudicated challenges and rebuttals, the outcome being that final list of BEAD-eligible locations which were submitted to the NTIA for approval.
On November 14, 2024, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) approved Maine's State Led Challenge Process data resulting in the final list of locations and Community Anchor Institutions eligible for BEAD funding.
PSA Methodology
Project Service Areas (PSAs) are created by taking the unserved and underserved locations (<100/20 Mbps) in Maine and grouping them based on proximity to each other. These groups are further refined based on municipal and natural boundaries (mountains, rivers, railroad crossing, towns, cities, etc.) along with other relevant spatial characteristics. Lastly, MCA incorporated the BEAD Program’s “80/20 rule” in order to create these groupings. According to BEAD Program Guidance, at least 80% of locations served by a project must be unserved or underserved locations (<100/20 Mbps), meaning the remaining 20% can be already served (>100/20 Mbps).
Project Service Areas (PSAs) were continuously refined ahead of the BEAD Project Application. The methodology and model used to construct the PSAs are based on several pieces of data and information which necessitated the continued evolution of PSAs. Specifically, PSAs were updated based on the following:​
NTIA’s curing/approval process for the BEAD State-Led Challenge Process data submission that ultimately determined which locations can be grouped into PSAs.
MCA accepted direct feedback from prospective applicants during the Pre-Qualification Evaluation process.
Inclusion of the most up-to-data from MCA's rapid deployment of broadband infrastructure grants in Maine and ongoing adjustments from other federal funding sources.
In general, there will be two types of PSAs in Maine: (1) grouped locations in less populous areas on the skirts of existing infrastructure, and (2) “noise” locations that cannot easily be grouped together and are not near any existing infrastructure. The expected types of infrastructure design required to connect every location will be dependent on characteristics of any given PSA. For example, one PSA could be close in proximity to other internet infrastructure and therefore can be reached by a line extension. Another PSA might be in a less dense area that requires additional backhaul to reach.
Also, technology deployed may vary by PSA and the bids which are received in each area during the BEAD Project Application phase. As outlined in BEAD Program guidance, fiber internet is the priority technology, followed by other reliable broadband technologies and then alternative technologies.
Resources & Helpful Links
During the Prospective Applicant Pre-Qualification Evaluation, MCA will evaluate an applicant’s technical, financial, operational and managerial capacity. This evaluation is conducted at the organizational level. It is separate from, and prior to, MCA’s assessment of the capacity needed to successfully complete project-specific proposals in the subsequent BEAD Project Application phase.
Pre-Qualification Evaluation Deep Dive
The Pre-Qualification Evaluation will allow MCA to identify the pool of eligible applicants in advance of, and work proactively with those applicants, to ensure that the BEAD Project Application process is as competitive as possible. This phase will also allow MCA to determine which prospective applicants meet the minimum qualifications set forth by guidance such as MCA’s Initial Proposal Volume II and the BEAD NOFO. For more information about how to start an application within the Pre-Qualification Evaluation process, head to the “Application Portals and Processes” unit.
During the Pre-Qualification Evaluation, applicants will also be presented with draft Project Service Areas (PSAs) and asked to indicate for which area(s) they intend to apply for during the BEAD Project Application phase. This selection will not be binding during Pre-Qualification Evaluation. The review of project-specific information will take place during the second phase of the Subgrantee Selection Process (the BEAD Project Application), where MCA will collect detailed information and bids for specific PSAs. See the “Project Service Areas (PSAs)” unit for more information about PSA methodology and development.
Within 30 days following the close of the Pre-Qualification Evaluation, MCA will notify prospective applicants of their pre-qualification status and ability to proceed into the BEAD Project Application period. For more information about timing, head to the “Timelines & Milestones” unit.
Prospective applicants that are authorized through Pre-Qualification Evaluation will be admitted to the BEAD Project Application phase where the final PSAs will be available to bid on, with the winner of the selection being required to build infrastructure to bring internet to the locations contained within the PSA.
​In fall 2024, MCA conducted the Pre-Qualification Evaluation process for prospective applicants and ultimately sixteen applicants were pre-qualified, including Maine-based, regional and national companies providing internet service through a variety of technologies. A list of these entities is available on MCA’s BEAD page.
Resources & Helpful Links
Getting Started in MCA's Grant Portal (SurveyMonkey Apply)
For those who have applied for a grant from the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) before, we will be using our existing grant portal for both the Pre-Qualification Evaluation and BEAD Project Application. You can log in with your prior credentials.
For any new entity, you will first need to set up an account in the Grant Portal. You will do that by navigating to the Grant Portal www.mca.smapply.org/prog/ and clicking on the gray “Register” button on the top right of your screen. You can either register with a Google account, or you can fill out the required fields and create a new account.
For both new and returning users: please remember that MCA cannot manually reset your password. If you have forgotten your password, you can click the “Forgot your password?” button on the login page and follow the steps from SurveyMonkey Apply.
Please reach out to bead@maineconnectivity.org for any technical issues with MCA’s Grant Portal.​
Getting Started in the MCA CHART Subgrantee Selection
Mapping Tool for the BEAD Project Application
BEAD Project Application
The Subgrantee Selection CHART Mapping Tool User Instructions & FAQ has detailed information about how qualified applicants can access and use the Mapping Tool for the BEAD Project Application.
Please reach out to bead@maineconnectivity.org for any technical issues with the Mapping Tool.
The BEAD Project Application will be open on MCA’s Grant Portal from Maine’s BEAD Project Application will open on January 17, 2025 and close on February 28 at 5 PM EST. The BEAD Project Application is only open to qualified applicants which were reviewed and approved during the Pre-Qualification Evaluation phase. Within MCA’s Grant Portal, applicants can complete the application questions in whichever order so long as all tasks are complete and the BEAD Project Application has been submitted by February 28, 2025 at 5 PM EST. Please note that it is critical that you click the “Submit” button within the application.
The BEAD Project Application includes 7 tasks, with detailed information in the Project Application Guidance for Qualified Applicants:
Applicant Information (once per applicant): In this task, qualified applicants will provide basic organizational information. Information provided in this section must match what was submitted during the Pre-Qualification process.
Service Obligations (once per applicant): In this task, qualified applicants will provide information to demonstrate their ability to fulfill the required service obligations associated with BEAD project funding.
BEAD Requirements (once per applicant): In this task, qualified applicants will provide information to demonstrate their ability to fulfill the compliance requirements associated with BEAD project funding.
PSA Selection (every application): To complete this task, qualified applicants will use the MCA CHART Subgrantee Selection Mapping Tool to select one or more Project Service Areas (PSAs) for which they wish to apply.
Proposed PSA - Technical Narrative (every application): In this task, qualified applicants will demonstrate their technical expertise and capacity to meet the demands of BEAD Project funding.
Proposed PSA - Financial Analysis (every application): In this task, qualified applicants will provide information to demonstrate their ability to fulfill the financial requirements associated with BEAD project funding.
Application Attestation (every application): In this task, a qualified applicant’s Authorized Signatory will verify the accuracy of all application materials.​​
Pre-Qualification Evaluation Application
The Pre-Qualification Evaluation application will be open on MCA’s Grant Portal from September 18 - October 18, 2024 at 11:59 EST. Following the Pre-Qualification Evaluation, there will be up to a 30-day period for MCA staff to review applications and send notification to both successful and unsuccessful applicants.
The Pre-Qualification Evaluation includes 12 tasks:
Contact Information: In this task, prospective applicants will provide organizational information, contact details, and a W-9.
Screening Questions: In this task, prospective applicants will provide information to ensure the entity is eligible for BEAD Project funds.
Managerial Capacity: In this task, prospective applicants will provide information about the entity’s personnel and leadership.
Ownership Information: In this task, prospective applicants will provide information about the structure and ownership model of the entity.
Compliance: In this task, prospective applicants will certify compliance with relevant federal and state policies. This task is divided into three sections: certifications, narrative responses, and workforce.
Operational Capability: In this task, prospective applicants will provide information about the entity’s experience with managing infrastructure projects.
Public Funding: In this task, prospective applicants will provide information about other publicly funded infrastructure projects.
Risk Management: In this task, prospective applicants will provide information about the entity’s risk management and cybersecurity plans.
Financial Capacity: In this task, prospective applicants will provide information about the entity’s financial health and sustainability.
Technical Capability: This task requests information about your organization’s typical technology and service offerings.
Project Service Areas (Optional): In this task, prospective applicants will have the option select draft Project Service Areas (PSAs) that the entity is interested in serving. Use the Pre-Qualification Evaluation Mapping Tool User Instruction & FAQ for detailed instructions on how to complete this task including an instructional video. These selections are not binding until the BEAD Project Application.
Application Attestation: This task is for an Authorized Signatory to verify accuracy of all application materials.​
Resources & Helpful Links
Timeline & Milestones
The Subgrantee Selection Process is broken into two phases: the Pre-Qualification Evaluation period and the BEAD Project Application period.

MCA is following guidelines from the National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA), as well as all applicable state and federal policies, which do have bearing on the timeline and milestones outlined above.
And, as a reminder, Maine’s BEAD State-Led Challenge Process preempted the Subgrantee Selection Process as the time and space to finalize the list of locations eligible for BEAD funding in Maine with input from internet service providers, nonprofit organizations, and units of local and Tribal government.
Opportunities for Engagement
As we enter the next phase of the BEAD Program, MCA will host regular opportunities for prospective applicants to connect with our BEAD Team as we share new program information and guidance. Upcoming events include:
Monthly BEAD Sessions
BEAD Monthly meetings will continue at least through February 2025. Register for the February 10 meeting here. ​Recordings of these public meetings are available on MCA's Events page.
Office Hours for Applicants
MCA will host office hours every Thursday from 3:30-4:30 pm throughout the duration of the BEAD Project Application period, starting on January 23. These will be unstructured, drop in spaces for any applicant to come to with questions for the MCA BEAD Team.
(Jan. 23, Jan. 30, Feb. 6, Feb. 13, Feb. 20, Feb. 27)
Register for Office Hours here.
In summer 2025, MCA will announce provisional selections of projects matched to provisional subgrantees. This will be followed by a public comment period. Check back here for more details throughout the year. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Resources & Helpful Links
The Subgrantee Selection Process module has 6 units listed below and accessed via the tabs above.​
Unit 1 - The Subgrantee Selection Process
Unit 2 - Prospective Applicant Pre-Qualification Evaluation
Unit 3 - BEAD Project Application
Unit 4 - Project Service Areas (PSAs)
Unit 5 - Application Portal and Process
Unit 6 - Timelines & Milestones
When you select a unit using the tabs, the tab will change from dark blue to orange. The orange tab indicates the unit you are currently reading. Right now, the orange tab reads START HERE.
At the bottom of each unit there is a button to return to the top of the page as well as additional resources and links for further reading. ​​The units do not need to be read in order, but we do recommend starting with "The Subgrantee Selection Process".
While this module specifically focuses on the Subgrantee Selection Process, you can click here for more information on the BEAD program as a whole.