Feb 10, 2022
ConnectMaine expands Community Broadband Planning Support
ConnectMaine supports development of Broadband Utility Districts with resources and assistance

ConnectMaine publishes a webpage full of information and resources for communities choosing to establish broadband utility districts: https://www.maine.gov/connectme/communities-resources/BUDs
State laws allow municipalities to form local or regional broadband utility districts and issue revenue bonds, for the purposes of supporting the expansion of broadband. ConnectMaine expands its Community Broadband Planning Support Program to include resources and assistance for communities that have chosen the operational structure of a Broadband Utility District.
The Community-Driven Broadband Planning Process leads to expanding the availability of
broadband service. To advocate and support this local process, ConnectMaine administers
the Community Broadband Planning Support Program, which includes grants, resources
and assistance. One set of resources and assistance compiled is for communities that have
chosen the operational structure of a Broadband Utility District in order to expand
broadband service availability.