Shine the Light + Share the Love:
Blue Hill Peninsula
​The success of an awarded grant represents a tremendous amount of work on many levels and should be celebrated as a collective win for each community and the state at large. With that, MCA is lucky to have the opportunity to shine a light and share the love with all who have contributed to the completion.
On Tuesday, May 9, we celebrated the completion of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's (NTIA) Broadband Infrastructure Program project in the towns of Blue Hill, Brooklin, Brooksville, Castine, Deer Isle, Penobscot, Sedgwick, Stonington.

In partnership with the Brooksville Community Center, we brought together community and project partners and key local leadership to enjoy pizza from Tinder Hearth in acknowledgment of the collective effort to date.
Meet the People & Places
Check out the video below about this community's perseverance in bringing broadband to the area and a photo album from the celebration. As Abbie McMillen, Co-Chair of the Brooksville Broadband Committee shared, "I can say for my friends and neighbors that it will transform their lives." Thank you to Consolidated Communications for producing the video below, and Genevieve Bristol at the Island Institute for capturing photos of the event.

Event Partners