Feb 24, 2023
Maine Connectivity Authority Board Response to Charter Communications Request
At a recent MCA Board meeting, the Board of Directors discussed a recently drafted letter to Charter Communcations. The content is included below.

The following letter is in response to a February 9, 2023 letter on behalf of Spectrum Northeast, LLC (“Spectrum”), a subsidiary of Charter Communications, Inc. (“Charter”) requesting that the Board of the Maine Connectivity Authority (“MCA” or “the Authority”) reconsider its January 20, 2023 vote to award a Connect The Ready Grant to Consolidated Communications to provide service to the Town of Skowhegan and Madison, and not award a grant to Matrix Design Group with the Town of Wilton. For the reasons stated below the Authority has determined that the information provided by Charter does not provide a sufficient basis to reconsider the awards.
The original text of Charter's letter can be seen here.