Jul 19, 2024
SeniorsPlus receives $900,000 new construction grant
LEWISTON – SeniorsPlus, Western Maine’s designated Area Agency on Aging, has been awarded a $900,000 Connectivity Hub grant through the Maine Connectivity Authority. The funds will help support the construction of the nonprofit’s planned Education Center and Nutrition Facility to be built in Lewiston in 2025, adjacent to its current building.
“We are delighted to get this boost to our much-needed new construction project,” said Betsy Sawyer-Manter, President and CEO at SeniorsPlus. “The new Education Center will afford global access to information, healthcare and potential employment opportunities to older people and people with disabilities. SeniorsPlus is committed to providing affordable and reliable internet access. We strongly believe that everyone, regardless of their age or abilities, or financial situation, has the potential to learn and grow.”
At the planned site, clients of SeniorsPlus will access telehealth, evidenced based preventive health and monitoring activities, as well as a myriad of enrichment offerings. Workforce development and job fairs will focus on the unique needs and characteristics of older workers.
The project’s digital elements include construction of privacy pods to allow confidential telehealth, behavioral health, legal and familial discussions. Digital educational offerings will enhance knowledge around cyber security and internet safety. Free Wi-Fi access and technology support will be offered with security and safety ensured. SeniorsPlus has formed a partnership with The National Digital Equity Center, a collaboration that provides participants with the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge of technology and internet-based programs, thereby increasing their employability.
The new space is well-positioned to facilitate collaboration with other organizations and offer a more comprehensive range of work, education, and health promotion activities. The building will also encompass the nutrition program of SeniorsPlus, which serves almost 2,000 individuals annually providing more than 170,000 freshly cooked meals. The new building will have a kitchen, meal packing and delivery area, and a social dining center.
SeniorsPlus is one of 12 community organizations across Maine that will benefit from $12 million in grants from the Maine Connectivity Authority to fund digital improvements. As part of the Maine Connectivity Authority’s Connectivity Hubs grant program, the grants are aimed at bridging the gap in communities contending with limited access to digital resources. The grant program is funded through the ARPA Capital Projects Funds from the U.S. Department of Treasury.
“Connectivity Hub investments are part of MCA’s strategy to advance digital equity for all: to ensure that all Maine people have access to and are able to use information and communications technologies so they can fully realize the civic, economic, health, educational, social and other benefits that they provide,” Maine Connectivity Authority said in a news release. Maine Connectivity Authority notes it is not funding the programming that is to be offered, but is funding the capital improvement or the purchase of buildings, or the cost of renovations and equipment. In turn, these improvements will create space for people to access educational and workforce training programs, to utilize telehealth and to provide access to high-speed internet.
Since 1972, SeniorsPlus has been improving the lives of older adults and adults with disabilities. As the designated Area Agency on Aging for Western Maine, SeniorsPlus provides statewide services with an emphasis on Androscoggin, Franklin and Oxford counties for core services (i.e. nutrition and information and assistance) that support independent living, healthy aging, and fight isolation. The overall program goal of SeniorsPlus is to assist older people and adults with disabilities in its tri-county area to remain safely at home for as long as possible. The mission of SeniorsPlus is to enrich the lives of older people and adults with disabilities, their families and communities, and to support them to make informed choices. SeniorsPlus envisions a future where all older adults and individuals with disabilities are engaged and respected while living quality, independent lives in the communities of their choice. Annually, SeniorsPlus serves 8,000 individuals and fields 101,000 phone inquiries.
SeniorsPlus offers a network of support, including information and assistance, short-term care management, Medicare counseling, caregiver support and respite, health and wellness education, benefits counseling, and Meals on Wheels and congregate dining.